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English-Hindi > touch the right chord

touch the right chord meaning in Hindi

touch the right chord sentence in Hindi
दुखती रग छेड़ना
touch    स्पर्श
the    वही यह वह वही वह
right    दक्षिण पक्ष
chord    ज्या डोरी तंत्री
1.Madhureeta Mukherjee of " The Times of India " gave 3.5 out of 5 and stated that the film is brutally honest, brave and above all a fascinating humane story . " India Today " gave 4.5 out of 5 and stated that the director has put in his best and has managed to touch the right chord with the viewer.

How to say touch the right chord in Hindi and what is the meaning of touch the right chord in Hindi? touch the right chord Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.